Article published on: 6/03/23
As a new temp recruitment agency owner, funding your business may well be a key concern. The right recruitment finance solution can give you a competitive edge from the get-go and enable growth at a pace to suit you. The meticulous management of cash is crucial to ensure that your agency remains viable.
How it works
Invoice financing is a process for you - as the recruitment agency - to borrow money against what customers owe you. Enabling you to receive most of the invoice cash value straightaway, rather than waiting a matter of weeks or longer to get paid.
So as your turnover grows, so does the level of finance to cover it, offering complete flexibility. Often a credit control function is also provided within an industry specific funding solution, ensuring debt is managed thoroughly from the first day.
Selecting the right recruitment finance company
Choosing an industry specific, experienced financial provider can provide essential knowledge, processes and assurance from the off. As a start-up, your time then can be best placed focusing on the agency and growing a successful agency.
What can be gained by recruitment agency funding?
How we can help
At Flo, our CashFlo recruitment invoice finance product is designed to offer clients a really practical, reliable finance solution. To meet the ever increasing cash flow demands of your agency business and to make sure it's fully in line with our guarantee, to make the work lives of our clients easier.
Our services can be tailored to meet the very specific needs of your circumstances. Our online portal allows all time-and-charge data to be held on the system and easily approved by your client. Our expert team will support you in collecting payments due, providing online reporting and management information too.
What our customers say
" By reducing the stress and worry of cash flow, payroll issues, invoicing and agency software, we have been able to confidently grow our business through the flexible approach that Flo have demonstrated to us. We are happy to recommend Flo Backoffice's solution to any recruitment agency and we look forward to continuing our relationship with them over the coming years."
Adele Smith, SAS Personnel Ltd t/a Coast2Coast Care
If you would like to learn more about how Flo can help you set up a successful temporary recruitment business, you can contact us on 01827 438065 or