Fraud Blocker
A transparent and straightforward invoice finance solution for temporary recruitment agencies

Whether you are a newcomer to recruitment funding or in need of support to switch from your current provider, our team is here to lend a hand. Our top priority is to ensure a seamless and efficient process, making it as effortless as possible for you.

At Flo, we understand that as your recruitment business grows, your funding needs will also change. That’s why our funding solutions are designed to align perfectly with the growth of your business.

We pride ourselves on making the funding process simple and hassle-free for your recruitment agency. No more complicated procedures. We believe that accessing the funds you need should be as easy as possible. Our streamlined approach ensures that you can quickly and efficiently access the necessary funds to fuel your business development.

We work closely with you to understand your specific goals and tailor our financing options accordingly. So, you can rest assured that as your business thrives, we will be there to provide the financial support you require and assist you every step of the way.

Get in touch today

What is CashFlo?

CashFlo is an Invoice Factoring solution for recruitment agencies, (also referred to as debt factoring), a dynamic form of invoice financing that provides a swift and efficient way to unlock cash from your sales ledger on a continuous basis, ultimately improving your cashflow.

With CashFlo, you have the additional benefits of both bad debt protection, a credit control service and we expertly manage collections on your behalf. This invaluable service empowers you to focus on your core business priorities without any distractions, allowing you to allocate more time towards your core business objectives.

This provides a safeguard against the negative effects of delayed or missed payments from your customers.

  • Unlock up to 100% of the value of your invoices.
  • Time-saving invoice creation and issuing system – our online portal allows all time-and-charge data to be held on the system and easily approved by your customer.
  • Same day access to your funds.
  • Clear fees – we don’t hide charges, we provide a true, total cost.
  • Outsourced credit control from experts in their field.
  • Your income safeguarded against non-payment or default.
  • Easy onboarding and set up for your recruitment agency – streamlined to ensure a speedy process.
  • Tap into the potential of your invoices without the added burden of a business loan.
  • Increased funding in sync with your sales. As your list of debtors grows, the potential amount of cash you can gain access to increases also.

Is CashFlo the right fit for you?

If your business offers a service to other companies, if your customers trade on credit terms and your business is UK registered then CashFlo could be the perfect fit for you.

How does Recruitment Finance work?

Recruitment finance is a funding facility that provides a weekly cash advance to you, through the purchase of your unpaid invoices. With worker wages paid weekly and clients paying monthly or even later, this allows instant access to funds and bridges the gap between wages needing to be paid and clients paying their invoices. Allowing your business to grow at your own speed and without barriers to your success.

With CashFlo, we are 100% focused on the recruitment sector and have developed our processes to reflect our extensive knowledge of how recruitment really works.

We have no hidden fees or add-ons for you to consider, simply a small percentage to pay on invoices and up to 100% of the invoice paid to you quickly.


Here are the answers to the questions we receive most often.

Absolutely. Our role is limited to providing essential back office support and funding, allowing you to retain complete authority and decision-making power.

Absolutely not! Instead, we charge a single percentage fee based on the value of your net invoice every week. This means you only pay for what you actually use, without any unnecessary costs.

Our dedicated team is here to provide you with the level of support that best suits your needs.

We don’t charge any admin fees for transferring your debt from a previous provider. In some cases, we may need to conduct an audit, which we will cover the cost of. This ensures a seamless and hassle-free transition for you.

Our pricing structure is simple and transparent. We charge a single fee based on a percentage of the net invoice value. Feel free to reach out to us for a tailored quote specifically to your agency needs.

Our process is designed to be fast and hassle-free. Once your invoice is generated, we immediately begin the process of advancing your funds.

When you choose to utilise our invoice financing services, it is unavoidable that your customers will become aware of this. This is due to the fact that they will be making their payments directly to us and in the event of any delays, we will take on the responsibility of credit control. You can have complete confidence that our professional team will efficiently handle this process.

It is also important to recognise that factoring and invoice financing have become widely accepted practices in the recruitment world.

Yes, our invoice financing services can provide you with funding for your sales invoices, ensuring that you can cover your weekly payroll and you can have peace of mind knowing that funds are readily available to ensure that your workers are paid on time every week.

Once we have processed timesheets, allocated any deductions and retained our fee then we compile an ‘Availability Statement’ report detailing all workers paid, and any deductions made. This is sent out weekly along with the payment of the related margin.

No matter the stage of your business or the size of your staff, having back office support can be the key to growth. Outsourcing back office tasks can continue to benefit even well-established businesses by freeing up time, increasing efficiency and streamlining processes.

If you are just getting started with your new temp recruitment business, you can read our guide to starting a recruitment agency.