Fraud Blocker

Article published on: 6/03/19

In such a busy and competitive marketplace, it is essential to spark an interest quickly with job-hunting candidates as they will likely be scrolling through lots of competitor adverts at the same time. What is it that will make them give your advertisement a second glance? How can you make a great first impression and capture strong candidates?  

1. Research your target candidate 

When planning the advert, make sure the tone is suitable and it contains the information your ideal candidate would want to see and will be searching for, research is essential to begin. The ad needs to suit what will be of most importance to them.

2. Shorter, to the point posts

According to recent LinkedIn data, candidates spend just 14 seconds debating whether or not to apply for your job, so shorter job adverts - ideally no more than 300 words - tend to be more successful. state now more than 700 words is essential when producing a strong and effective job advert, if more detail is needed to be included.

3. Grab attention and be search friendly

Be energetic with your approach and plan the post firstly. Your advertisement needs to be easily found by search engines, so consider the search queries candidates will be using when drafting the content, and include the necessary key words and terms.

4. Highlight the key points

Your advert should be engaging and encourage the candidate to contact you promptly. The more specific you are, the more effective the ad should be. The key facts that should be highlighted clearly should include:

  • Brief position overview / brief company summary
  • Differentiating factors / USP's / responsibilities / benefits
  • Experience and qualifications required
  • Location of position
  • A clear 'Call to Action' - apply now button or contact details 

With regards to including a salary indication and benefits package, there are two schools of thought. The pro's and con's need to be considered to decide whether or not to include this element. It can let candidates know from the off if it is a financially viable option but it can let candidates rule themselves out before finding out any more. A lower than expected salary doesn't have to always be a total rule out if the wider picture offers great potential future opportunities.

5. Format well

Candidates often skim adverts for key phrases and words - so short sentences, sub headings and bullet points can often convey a clearer message more quickly. Research terms candidates will be searching for, and using graphics, typefaces and colours can help make your advert stand out nicely. 

6. Language used

LinkedIn examined job adverts during a 2018 study and found men apply 13% more than women for job adverts, which can often be attributed to the language used. Be mindful of this stat when preparing content and make sure it doesn't have an unnecessary masculine slant to it.

It is a good idea to also avoid buzzwords and cliches as these can be slightly cringeworthy and distracting within an advert.

7. When to post an ad

Monday's are the most successful and busiest day for applications. Recruiters refresh their jobs on offer on a Monday and candidates may well have had career reflections over the weekend! Fridays used to be the preferred day for recruitment agents as newspaper readership peaked over the weekend but now as most recruitment is done online, enabling 24/7 recruitment, things have balanced out somewhat but Monday's remain the most popular.

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